First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Co-Applicant's Name (if any)
Age of Applicant (and Co-Applicant, if any):*
Please enter your full address including City, State, and Zip Code*
Do you use text messaging?* Choose one: Yes No Not Applicable
Alternate Phone Number (Work, Home, etc)*
What is your email address?*
Place of employment or if unemployed, for how long?*
Employed by:*
Work Address:*
Do you work from home?
Do you attend school?
Why do you want to bring a foster pet into your home?*
How long have been looking foster a pet?*
Is everyone in your household in agreement about fostering a pet?
Who will be responsible for the grooming, housebreaking and training of this pet?*
Names and ages of all adults in the household:*
Ages of children in the household:*
Does anyone in your household have allergies to pet dander/hair/saliva?*
Do any members of your household fear animals?
Are you familiar with animal regulations in your area?
Do you own or rent your home?*
What will happen to your pet if you move? *
What will happen to your pet if you move?
Please briefly describe your home/housing:*
Where will the pet be kept during the day and night?*
How many hours per day will you spend with your pet?*
Do you have a yard?
Do you have a fenced in area for your pet? *
If you do not have a fence, how will your pet relieve/exercise themselves?
Do you have an outside dog run?
Do you have screens on all your windows?
Please list any companion animals currently living in the household (Breed, Age, Sex, if Altered):*
Have you fostered pets in the past?
If yes, how long did you foster in the past?
If you've fostered before, what organization was it through?
Have you ever been a guardian to any animals that were either killed by moving vehicles, given away, surrendered to shelter/rescue, and/or lost or stolen? If so, please explain.*
Please provide two personal references whom we may contact. Include name, address, and phone numbers.*
What's the name and number of your veterinarian?*
I understand and agree that giving false information in response to any of the questions will disqualify me and my application with Alabama SPCA, and will nullify all agreements between the applicant and ALSPCA. By entering my email address serves as my electronic signature.*
The Alabama SPCA is a statewide 501(c)3 non-profit animal welfare organization.